Use this tool at your own risk. No warranties are made as to its correctness or functionality.
It was written because its author needed it for his own work, surprised that no-one else had created something like this.
If you like it, spread the word through the social links below, make a donation to a charity of your choice, or click on the ads above if (and only if) their content interests you.
If you would like to provide some feedback (praise or constructive criticism always welcome!) or have a question please do not hesitate to get in touch. Simply email info at this domain dot com. Sorry for not providing a clickable link, but I'm sure you know why ;-)
This tool was initially put together in a relatively short amount of time, which would not have been possible without the following amazing open source libraries / projects.
— Twitter Bootstrap | — Bootstrap “Slate” theme |
— jQuery | — TouchSwipe for jQuery |
— Modernizr | — fastclick.js |
— |
Please check them out, make a contribution and share the love.
This tool is still work-in-progress. Features planned at this time (in no particular order):
They will be realised if and when there is time for it.